I am Rose Miasaki Compton, an Andara Guardian who has been working with the Andarian Consciouness for many years.
I chose Hawaii and her sacred waters to activate these magical beings.
In Hawaii the frequency of ancestral Lemuria is very present. This pure energy is a catalyzer for the healing and activates the powerful properties of the Andaras.
Andaras are multidimensional activators for the LightBody and efficient cleanser of negative conditionings and programs. They work in Quantum speed and very gracefully too.
You can also become a Guardian. There is a calling between the Andara and the Guardian that must come from your heart.
Once properly activated in Nature, the Andaras respond to your intention.

Amber Andaras
They are purifiers that transmute negative energies. Clears depression, transforms dense emotiomal states into creativity. Grounding, integration of solar plexus
Clear Andaras
Diamond Core activation. Promotes clarity, alignment to your truth. Intuition enhancement.
Opalescent Andaras
The opalescent carry Angelic Elohim frequency as well as 7th dimensional beings frequencies of the pure and magnificent Unicorns. They vary from white blueish to green and seafom elder base coloring and all of them have the inner golden glow of the central sun within. That gold inner fire burns through old paradigm outdated programs and uplift your vibration.
Pink Andaras
Heart opener connecting to the frequency of unconditional Love and divine beauty. Inspiration, gentleness, kindness.
Seafoam Elder
Carries the frequency of most other colors. Ancestors lightcodes in the Seafoam bubbles. It’s like bathing in the ocean and playing with crashing waves.
Elder Andaras
Deep dark root bear color. Carries the frequencies of most other colors. Powerful grounding, supports embodiment process during ascension.
Aqua Andaras
The Aquas connect to LeMUria and the frequency of the Dolphins, sonar tracking of outdated programs for clearing. Activation of the Freedom codes. To see is to be free, bringing awareness to behaviors and conditionings ready to be cleared. Playfulness and enthusiasm.
Purple Andaras
Activation of Soveregnity. Reminder that you are Royal, it’s about generous service from a compassionate heart. Frequency of the Violet Ray, highly protective and clearing.
Yellow Golden
Alignment to your mission, to abundance and prosperity through manifestation of your innate gifts. Connect to the central sun, balance and integrate your soular plexus.
Blue Andaras
Connects to the Blue Ray, that is protective and cleansing. Celestial frequencies. Frequencies of the Divine Mother, establishing peace and harmony.
Orange Andaras
Awaken your creativity. Uplifting, joy and contentment. Balancing of the second chakra, connection to the Sun, heart opener.
Green Andaras
Mint greens promotes abundance that is sprouting from the purity of your heart. Clearing of lack mentality and poverty programs. Emerald greens carry Gaia’s frequency, connects to the Elementals. Green Ray, integrates the healer, green light of prosperity.
Peach Andaras
Divine Mother, Unconditional Love. Clearing emotional distortions. Activating higher divine feminine, opening to receive the love and gifts from the Mother.